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World Occupational Therapy Day

October is my one of favorite months of the year. There are all the fall activities, the fall weather, all the Halloween classics on TV, and, best of all, World Occupational Therapy Day on October 27th!


World Occupational Therapy Day was established by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) as an important day to promote and celebrate occupational therapists and the positive impact that occupational therapy has on people. Continue reading “World Occupational Therapy Day”

AOTA · media · Occupational Therapy · OT School · Uncategorized

Mental Health Quilt


Before I started OT school, I was not aware that occupational therapy’s roots were in mental health. The profession began in early 20th century during the mental hygiene movement after focus was turned to improving the conditions of mental health institutions. Over the years we, as a profession, have lost touch with our roots. According to AOTA, only 2.9% of the OTs and COTAs work in mental health, which is a huge difference compared to 26.2% in hospitals, 21.6% in schools, and 19.9% in nursing facilities. There has always been some sort of stigma when it comes to mental illness, so that may be a cause for the low number working in that setting.


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Applications · Interviews · Uncategorized

Applying to OT School: Having a Great Interview


After all those hours committed to your grad school applications and completing all the prerequisites, you finally heard back and have been invited for an interview. Best…feeling…ever! After volunteering 3 days a week while working full-time, finishing up classes, and pouring blood, sweat, and tears into my applications, I realized it was all worth it after receiving my first invitation for an interview. So what should you do after reading the email (most common way) saying you have been chosen as an interviewee, you know, besides getting super excited and jump up and down? Aside from choosing what you’re going to wear, there are many details and information you can go over in order to ensure a successful interview.

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AOTA · Uncategorized

Don’t Just Work…Network!


As humans, it is easy to just fall back on what is comfortable and stay in our little bubble. We focus so much on doing well in school to show what we know on a piece of paper that we forget to take in consideration in expanding who we know. As OT students, you are going to spend almost 2 years with people that are going to be more than just your classmates. They are your support system, some might become great friends, and your future colleagues. Not only is it important to get to know those in your program, but it is also a great idea to mingle and meet students from other programs. As an OT, you are going to work alongside other fields, and knowing what they do and respecting their knowledge is going to be just as important as being informed about your own field. You don’t want to burn bridges before you’ve even walked across. You’ve heard this a dozen times and here is a dozen plus one more: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

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AOTA · Occupational Therapy · Uncategorized

Backpack Awareness Day


Today, September 21, is National Backpack Awareness Day: A day to address and educate others about the injuries and issues that can arise from carrying heavy backpacks, purses, briefcases, etc. Although I didn’t get to physically participate in the event my program was hosting because I had a class, I decided to do my part of informing others virtually.

Growing up I thought it was so cool to have my backpack hang as low as it could go. I remember coming home and my mom re-adjusting my straps because she said I would hurt my back that way. I always told her I felt like I would tip forward if my backpack was up too high. Eventually, we found a balance so my backpack wasn’t so heavy for me. Continue reading “Backpack Awareness Day”

Applications · Interviews · Occupational Therapy · OT School · Uncategorized

Applying to OT School: I Hit “Submit”…Now What?

After submitting your applications, you probably took a deep breath and felt a huge weight just come off your shoulders. I know that’s how I felt. If you submitted your applications recently, I know you have been checking OTCAS to see if your transcripts have been verified and other materials were received. Which isn’t a bad thing because you need to make sure all your materials got to them in order for schools to even look at your applications. However, if you know OTCAS, or the school, has all your materials, don’t sit at your desk refreshing your email. You will drive yourself crazy. I know because I did that last year. Not only was I constantly refreshing my email on my phone and laptop, but I kept going onto the Student Doctor Forum to see if people heard back or how long it took to be contacted. I drove myself (and my boyfriend) insane. I eventually snapped out of it and resumed normal life activities.

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media · Occupational Therapy · Technology · Uncategorized



Hey guys! So I saw this video on Facebook and it was such a coincidence that I had just finished reading about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) for one of my classes. I started researching more about the product and was excited to see all the research and tests behind the product. You can read more about it here. I see so many people riding without helmets these days and it makes me so anxious. This airbag will definitely be a game-changer, especially for people with head and brain injuries. Continue reading “Airbag…Helmets?!”

Occupational Therapy · OT School · Technology · Uncategorized

Back to School: Take Note

So I have been a little busy getting ready for school and going to orientations and such, but I am trying to get a schedule set for blogging, studying, running, and socializing, etc. I know people are almost done with applications and invitations for interviews will be within the next couple of months, I haven’t forgotten and I will be giving tips for that. I promise

My first class was on Monday and I have almost finished up my first week of grad school. I was definitely nervous Sunday night, but my first couple of classes scheduled were really fun and were the perfect way to start my week. As the days have gone by, I have found myself getting more and more overwhelmed with all the exams, projects, and readings that are on the syllabi. How can I do all this work and still manage to eat and sleep? Continue reading “Back to School: Take Note”

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Useful Study Apps

School doesn’t officially start for me until August 29th, but I have already been given material to go over before classes start. After not taking classes for over a year, it was difficult for me to get into study-mode…actually it was extremely difficult. I was getting distracted easily and became stressed and frustrated with myself. It took me some time, but I finally got into the groove of things thanks to some websites and apps.

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